Her Faith Restored | Strengthen Your Relationship With God, Renew Your Joy, Overcome Sin and Shame, Set Apart, Hearing Jesus, Women’s Bible Study
***Top 1.5% Global Podcast*** Are you going through a season that’s challenging your faith? Do you feel like your joy is not what it used to be? Did you return to your faith after wandering away and feel like the enemies or texts are stronger than ever? Do you want to hear from God and discern the lies from the truth? And more importantly, do you want to strengthen your relationship with God? Hey sister, I’m Rosie. After wandering away from God through a tough season of faith, I came back to Jesus and I am stronger than ever. But I didn’t do this on my own. It took a network of support from sisters who helped me to regain my faith through the study of the scriptures, through praying once again and giving my trust and my life back to the Lord. Sister, I’m here to encourage you and help you in your journey back to Jesus, back to your first love. I want to help you reignite your faith again so that you can have renewed joy. Let’s do this together, sister. Want me to pray with you, my sister? Schedule a free Prayer Call by clicking the link below! https://theintentionalchristianwoman.com/ You can also find Community, Free Bible Study Resources, and More! One of my favorite places for great Bible resources PLUS get a 10% Discount: https://www.coffeeandbibletime.com/?ref=nfgfya7p Coupon Code: ROSAALEJANDRO Want to start a successful podcast? Let my amazing podcasting coach help you! https://tinyurl.com/readytopodcast
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Going Through A Season of Life Disruptions? Use This Bible Study Method
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Episode 111: How do you have bible study while having life disruptions? We all have life disruptions and some of us have them more often than we want. There is a way to still have a great bible study and to connect with God during those life disruptions. This way includes "listening" to the Word of God in a very effective way. Tune in to find out yet another way to help you stay connected to God-even during life's disruptions in this third episode of the Falling in Love with the Word of God series.
Podcast mentioned in the episode: https://www.douglasjacoby.com/category/podcasts/
Are you craving a deeper connection with God? Do you long to be excited about studying your bible, even with limited time? Do you want direction from God and strength every day? Then, sister, you are most definitely ready for a 30-day transformation!
To get your copy of my transformational "Love For His Word" 30-Day Psalm 119 Devotional E-Book with Audio just click here: https://theintentionalchristianwoman.com/
Do you want to become an exclusive Intentional Insider? Sign up to receive my monthly newsletters with tips to help you connect with your Father on a deeper level PLUS get access to my latest gift, devotionals, challenges, special offers, and other gifts I make designed with you in mind bit.ly/freebiblestudyresources
One of my favorite places for great Bible resources PLUS get a 10% Discount:
Monday Feb 13, 2023
2 Ways To Study Your Bible in Only 5 Minutes!
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Episode 110: Do you ONLY have 5 minutes to study your bible? Maybe you are going through a very busy season right now. Maybe you woke up one morning and things started off a little crazy! I can totally relate. There IS a way you can get a meaningful bible study in your day in just 5 minutes. Actually today I'll give you 2 of those ways that have worked for me during my busy seasons and crazy mornings.
Welcome to another episode of this month's Falling in Love with the Word of God series.
Are you craving a deeper connection with God? Do you long to be excited about studying your bible, even with limited time? Do you want direction from God and strength every day? Then, sister, you are most definitely ready for a 30-day transformation!
To get your copy of my transformational "Love For His Word" 30-Day Psalm 119 Devotional E-Book with Audio just click here: https://theintentionalchristianwoman.com/
Do you want to become an exclusive Intentional Insider? Sign up to receive my monthly newsletters with tips to help you connect with your Father on a deeper level PLUS get access to my latest gift, devotionals, challenges, special offers, and other gifts I make designed with you in mind bit.ly/freebiblestudyresources
One of my favorite places for great Bible resources PLUS get a 10% Discount:
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Episode 109: What does it take to fall in love with the Word of God? What if you just need to reignite that flame you had when you first fell in love with God? In this Falling in Love with the Word of God series, we'll dig deep into why it's so important to be in LOVE with God's word and some practical tips on how to study your bible daily, even with limited time.
Today we'll start with 3 steps to get into the right mindset. Are you ready? Then let's do this!
Are you craving a deeper connection with God? Do you long to be excited about studying your bible, even with limited time? Do you want direction from God and strength every day? Then, sister, you are most definitely ready for a 30-day transformation!
To get your copy of my transformational "Love For His Word" 30-Day Psalm 119 Devotional E-Book with Audio just click here: https://theintentionalchristianwoman.com/
Do you want to become an exclusive Intentional Insider? Sign up to receive my monthly newsletters with tips to help you connect with your Father on a deeper level PLUS get access to my latest gift, devotionals, challenges, special offers, and other gifts I make designed with you in mind bit.ly/freebiblestudyresources
One of my favorite places for great Bible resources PLUS get a 10% Discount:
Monday Jan 30, 2023
What Type of Christian Are You? Perfectionist, Complacent, or Grace-filled?
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Episode 108: Today is one of those podcasts that will really challenge you. I was inspired by a sermon/lesson I heard from one of my church evangelists (minister) and it really convicted my own heart! I couldn't keep this to myself so I'm sharing it with you today in the hopes that it both challenges you and encourages you to have a different mindset about grace. The kind of mindset that God meant us to have.
Are you craving a deeper connection with God? Do you long to be excited about studying your bible, even with limited time? Do you want direction from God and strength every day? Then, sister, you are most definitely ready for a 30-day transformation!
To get your copy of my transformational "Love For His Word" 30-Day Psalm 119 Devotional E-Book with Audio just click here: https://theintentionalchristianwoman.com/
Do you want to become an exclusive Intentional Insider? Sign up to receive my monthly newsletters with tips to help you connect with your Father on a deeper level PLUS get access to my latest gift, devotionals, challenges, special offers, and other gifts I make designed with you in mind bit.ly/freebiblestudyresources
One of my favorite places for great Bible resources PLUS get a 10% Discount:
Monday Jan 23, 2023
How To Avoid Backsliding from God
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Episode 106: How do you avoid backsliding from your faith and from your relationship with God?
Today I want to share with you a story about a woman in the bible that made a promise to God and kept it, even though it was a hard promise to keep.
Good news sister-there IS a way to stay strong in your walk with God so that you never leave Him or go back to your old ways. If you already did, it's not to late to return.
Are you craving a deeper connection with God? Do you long to be excited about studying your bible, even with limited time? Do you want direction from God and strength every day? Then, sister, you are most definitely ready for a 30-day transformation!
To get your copy of my transformational "Love For His Word" 30-Day Psalm 119 Devotional E-Book with Audio just click here: https://theintentionalchristianwoman.com/
Do you want to become an exclusive Intentional Insider? Sign up to receive my monthly newsletters with tips to help you connect with your Father on a deeper level PLUS get access to my latest gift, devotionals, challenges, special offers, and other gifts I make designed with you in mind bit.ly/freebiblestudyresources
One of my favorite places for great Bible resources PLUS get a 10% Discount:
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Why Complacency Is Not An Option: A Look Into Proverbs
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Episode 105: Do you feel like lately, you've been a little too complacent or too relaxed about something? Maybe it's a habit or an action you take often that robs you of what's really important. Has complacency left you feeling unproductive and bothered, like there's something in your heart pulling at your conscience telling you to stop it and change it? Is it too much use of social media or apps or is it another distraction?
Sister, I'm here to tell you that it's not too late! In today's episode, we're going to look at Proverbs 1 and some verses that will truly cut you to the heart and at the same time will give you the solution that you've been praying or hoping for!
As an added bonus, I also walk you through my R.E.A.D. Method in this episode as I use the R.E.A.D. on my own study so that you can use it in yours.
Are you craving a deeper connection with God? Do you long to be excited about studying your bible, even with limited time? Do you want direction from God and strength every day? Then, sister, you are most definitely ready for a 30-day transformation!
To get your copy of my transformational "Love For His Word" 30-Day Psalm 119 Devotional E-Book with Audio just click here: https://theintentionalchristianwoman.com/
Do you want to become an exclusive Intentional Insider? Sign up to receive my monthly newsletters with tips to help you connect with your Father on a deeper level PLUS get access to my latest gift, devotionals, challenges, special offers, and other gifts I make designed with you in mind bit.ly/freebiblestudyresources
One of my favorite places for great Bible resources PLUS get a 10% Discount:
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Should I Do Devotionals or Bible Study?
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Episode 104: Are devotionals better than personal bible study? Today we are debunking a lie that will reveal whether devotionals are enough to help you grow in your faith and in your walk with God. We are also talking about an easy way that can really help you dig deep into the Word of God. A way that can be as long or as short as you make it and yet can help you grow stronger in your knowledge of and intimacy with God.
This is Part 5 of the Lie Vs. Truth Series.
Are you craving a deeper connection with God? Do you long to be excited about studying your bible, even with limited time? Do you want direction from God and strength every day? Then, sister, you are most definitely ready for a 30-day transformation!
To get your copy of my transformational "Love For His Word" 30-Day Psalm 119 Devotional E-Book with Audio just click here: https://theintentionalchristianwoman.com/
Do you want to become an exclusive Intentional Insider? Sign up to receive my monthly newsletters with tips to help you connect with your Father on a deeper level PLUS get access to my latest gift, devotionals, challenges, special offers, and other gifts I make designed with you in mind bit.ly/freebiblestudyresources
One of my favorite places for great Bible resources PLUS get a 10% Discount:
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
How I Chose My Word and Scripture of the Year & How You Can Too! (Bonus Episode)
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Episode 103: What's all this talk about "Word of the Year?" This is the question I asked myself the last few weeks. Well sister, I LOVED the idea so I decided to get one too! In this episode I walk you though how I got my Word (totally God by the way!), and how you can hear from God what you word is. Yes, even though we already started the new year, it's NEVER too late.
Go to https://theintentionalchristianwoman.com/ to book a free First Step Forward coaching call with me today. In this coaching call, I will listen to your needs, such as focus, motivation, or knowing your best Bible study learning style. I'll give you the tool, method, or assessment you need so that you can have a successful first step forward!
Are you looking for an authentic and encouraging community with other women like you who want to create life-changing bible study routines and connect more deeply with God? Join us over at our community: Intentional Bible Study For Christian Women https://bit.ly/letsbeintentional
Do you want to become an exclusive Intentional Insider? Sign up to receive my monthly newsletters with tips to help you connect with your Father on a deeper level PLUS get access to my latest gift, devotionals, challenges, special offers, and other gifts I make designed with you in mind bit.ly/freebiblestudyresources
To get your copy of my "Love For His Word" 30-Day Psalm 119 Devotional E-Book with Audio just click here: https://bit.ly/lovehisword
Are you a teacher (or an educator at heart) who wants to start podcasting? Check out my second podcast to get simple tips on podcasting without complications or added stress! Check out the Her Teacher Voice Podcast
Want to know how my podcast ranked quickly to the TOP 1.5 % of global podcasts? Ever wonder if podcasting might be right for you? Sister, no problem! To find out how, just go to:
One of my favorite places for great Bible resources PLUS get a 10% Discount:
Monday Jan 02, 2023
Practical Steps to Avoiding, Confronting, and Overcoming Temptation.
Monday Jan 02, 2023
Monday Jan 02, 2023
Episode 102: Is there a way to get "in front of" temptation even before it approaches you? How do you overcome temptation when it confronts you? How do you recover when you fall into temptation?
These are questions that we'll be answering today in this podcast. I believe that it will prepare you for those tough tempting times. This is a continuation of the Lie Vs. Truth Series (Part 4).
Go to https://theintentionalchristianwoman.com/ to book a free First Step Forward coaching call with me today. In this coaching call, I will listen to your needs, such as focus, motivation, or knowing your best Bible study learning style. I'll give you the tool, method, or assessment you need so that you can have a successful first step forward!
Are you looking for an authentic and encouraging community with other women like you who want to create life-changing bible study routines and connect more deeply with God? Join us over at our community: Intentional Bible Study For Christian Women https://bit.ly/letsbeintentional
Do you want to become an exclusive Intentional Insider? Sign up to receive my monthly newsletters with tips to help you connect with your Father on a deeper level PLUS get access to my latest gift, devotionals, challenges, special offers, and other gifts I make designed with you in mind bit.ly/freebiblestudyresources
To get your copy of my "Love For His Word" 30-Day Psalm 119 Devotional E-Book with Audio just click here: https://bit.ly/lovehisword
Are you a teacher (or an educator at heart) who wants to start podcasting? Check out my second podcast to get simple tips on podcasting without complications or added stress! Check out the Her Teacher Voice Podcast
Want to know how my podcast ranked quickly to the TOP 1.5 % of global podcasts? Ever wonder if podcasting might be right for you? Sister, no problem! To find out how, just go to:
One of my favorite places for great Bible resources PLUS get a 10% Discount:
Monday Dec 26, 2022
How To Prepare For The New Year With Trust and Surrender To God
Monday Dec 26, 2022
Monday Dec 26, 2022
Episode 101: How do you prepare and plan for the new year? What is the best way we can pretty much be guaranteed success? There is really a way that will work and today I will share with you what has helped me to make my plans a super success. It's really quite simple, but it takes a lot of TRUST and Surrender to God. You can do this! Wishing you a Joyful and Successful 2023! #beintentional
Go to https://theintentionalchristianwoman.com/ to book a free First Step Forward coaching call with me today. In this coaching call, I will listen to your needs, such as focus, motivation, or knowing your best Bible study learning style. I'll give you the tool, method, or assessment you need so that you can have a successful first step forward!
Are you looking for an authentic and encouraging community with other women like you who want to create life-changing bible study routines and connect more deeply with God? Join us over at our community: Intentional Bible Study For Christian Women https://bit.ly/letsbeintentional
Do you want to become an exclusive Intentional Insider? Sign up to receive my monthly newsletters with tips to help you connect with your Father on a deeper level PLUS get access to my latest gift, devotionals, challenges, special offers, and other gifts I make designed with you in mind bit.ly/freebiblestudyresources
To get your copy of my "Love For His Word" 30-Day Psalm 119 Devotional E-Book with Audio just click here: https://bit.ly/lovehisword
Are you a teacher (or an educator at heart) who wants to start podcasting? Check out my second podcast to get simple tips on podcasting without complications or added stress! Check out the Her Teacher Voice Podcast
Want to know how my podcast ranked quickly to the TOP 1.5 % of global podcasts? Ever wonder if podcasting might be right for you? Sister, no problem! To find out how, just go to:
One of my favorite places for great Bible resources PLUS get a 10% Discount:
Strengthen Your Faith!
Are you going through a season that is challenging your faith? Do you feel like your joy is not what it used to be? Did you return to your faith after wandering away and feel as though the enemy’s attacks are stronger than ever? Do you want to hear from God and discern the lies from the truth? Most importantly, do you want to strengthen your relationship with God?
Welcome home sister. In this podcast, you will get the tools you need to strengthen your relationship with God after wandering away from your faith or having a rough season.
Hey sister! I’m Rosie-mom, wife, Educator, master mindset coach, and devoted disciple of Jesus. From 2008 through 2012 I wandered away from my church and I struggled so much with my faith. Yet, by God’s grace, my faith was restored and my joy was renewed! I learned to reconnect with God through Bible study, prayer, and being in a close community with sisters in Christ. I learned to discern the lies from the truth and grew in wisdom from the scriptures. I learned to be a disciple of Jesus again, not just listening to Him, but also following in His footsteps. I am far from perfect, but I want to help encourage your faith journey back to Jesus so that you too can have a renewed joy that can only come from our amazing Father!
Are you ready to strengthen your relationship with God like never before?
Let’s do this together!